
Open-Ended Toys

Wonderful Open-Ended Toys To Encourage Creativity and Imagination!

When it comes to choosing toys for our children, there are endless options available in the market. However, what I love most about open-ended toys is that they are an invitation to creativity. Unlike toys with a specific purpose or outcome, open-ended toys allow children to use their imagination and explore endless possibilities. The less […]

Bath toys - Feature

11 Wonderful Bath Toys for Children – Make Bathtime More Fun (& Easy)

Bath time is a crucial part of any kid’s day. But it’s not just about getting clean and squeaky clean but also about having fun and spending quality time with your child. We all know that bathtime is not always the easiest time of the day. I’ve had to ask them to get undressed and inside

Our favorite water toys

10 Wonderful Water Toys to make Water Play magical

Playing with water can be so enriching for kids. I know the mess and spills can be scary. But, given the right environment and engaging water toys, it can be an enlightening, entertaining, and fun activity for all.  I wasn’t into it right away. My children only played with water during bath time or at

Gifts for a 3 year old he'll love

50 Best Gifts for a 3 year old that he’ll love!

My son is turning four this week. What a year it has been! And I thought that, now that I still have his third year very present, I would put together a list of everything he has enjoyed the most as a three-year-old. It might be helpful for those researching ideas for gifts for a

Outdoor toys - Bilibo at the beach

10 Essential Outdoor Toys for 2 Year Olds You’ll All Love! 

School is officially over, and the summer season begins! Will you and the children be spending a lot of time outdoors? Do you want to find things to keep them engaged and entertained outside? Do you have a summer birthday and need ideas of what to gift? I’ve compiled a list of the ten best

Bilibo Game Box - Feature

+15 Bilibo Game Box Ideas – Unexpected Surprise!

Do you like open-ended toys? Do your children love to make up their games? Then the Bilibo Game box is for you. We loved our Bilibo minis set for years, and I have somehow misplaced them (we played a lot and took them everywhere). I knew I had to replace them, but then I saw

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